Earth-Moon-Earth, also known as moon bounce, is a radio communications technique which relies on the propagation of radio waves from an Earth-based transmitter directed via reflection from the surface of the Moon back to an Earth-based receiver.


Communication with WSJT / JT65B

WSJT is a digital communications program written by K1JT and specially intended for weak signal communications in the VHF&up bands. It provides different modes adapted to different modes of propagation and bands. For 2m MoonBounce you will use the JT65B mode. You can download it from K1JT's WEB site.


WSJT - Screenshot QSO
WSJT - Screenshot QSO


I use the following Cluster & EME Chat.

Very useful for EME Skeds and to see who is calling via the Moon !



EME QSO Screenshots

VHF Aurora : Status
144 MHz Es in EU : Status
70 MHz Es in EU : Status
50 MHz Es in EU : Status
144 MHz Es in NA : Status
From The DXrobot
Today's MUF & Es : Status